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Helping you create a balanced home through organization and systems—customized to fit your life.

You can do anything but you can’t do it all! We’re here to help!

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Life is a balancing act

You know how it is. You have work life, home life, errands to run, and places to be. You deserve to come home to a space where you can relax and recharge. You deserve more time with the people you love. Let me help you transform your home into a place where you feel calm and balanced. I’ll work with you to meet your unique goals and help you love the space you are in. Whether you are moving, going through a life change, welcoming a baby, or wanting to refresh your space, I’ll be there for you every step of the way.

So let me help! Since our surroundings make a big difference in the way we feel, let’s make sure you are feeling good. 

I’m like a personal trainer for your home life. I create spaces that work for you, processes that fit your lifestyle, and beautiful surroundings that make you look and feel good.

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Our all-inclusive, in-home packages mean that we will handle all aspects of your project–from space planning to donation drop-off. We want you to enjoy your organized space without adding anything extra to your to-do list. 

free resources


Download our free resources ranging from tips and tricks to organize and purge around your home to chore ideas and how to get your kids to help out around the house.



You know that an organized home will make your life so much easier, but you're overwhelmed with what products to use, where to start, and how to keep going! A Personalized Digital Plan will give you ideas, guidance, and personalized product suggestions to save you time and money! 



We love nothing more than to share how to live a more balanced life. These live 1-hour workshops leave you with an action plan to change your routines to create a more balanced life at home.

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Katie TengelsenProfessional Organizer Massachusetts.

Hey Hey!

I’m Katie Tengelsen — Your professional home organizer and cheerleader, serving MetroWest Boston and beyond. Our suite of services makes it so we can help every woman near and far!

I didn’t start out as a professional organizer. But as we added more boys to our home, I had to simplify and organize to find the balance I needed as a stay at home mom to three busy boys. The more I simplified and streamlined, the less stressed I became. Since my spaces provide calm to the chaos, I am able to enjoy my little people and wonderful husband more. 

With my help, we can clear the clutter, create custom organizing systems tailored to you, and create a more balanced home life for you to enjoy time spent doing what you love with the people you love.


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